Double Feature: Juan on Juan × Big Dumb Podcast | Tartaria Theories, Age of Discovery, Ley Lines,...

3 years ago

Two amazing Conversations on thier own come together in this hundredth and first episode of My Family Thinks I'm Crazy, First I speak with Juan, on the Juan on Juan podcast, we discussed humanity, books, history, podcasting, ley lines, freedom of information, Tartaria, the occult, magic, Aleister Crowley and more! 
After that is a Fun filled Jam packed episode of Tartaria fun on The Big Dumb Podcast, Kyle, Pudz, and I discussed The Tartarian Mystery. This included making the connections to Indigenous tribes from all over the world, including Native Americans, Mongolians, tribes in Europe, Asia, South and Central America, and even Africa. We also looked at ancient monolithic structures as well as more modern architecture and how those are connected to the alleged Tartarian Empire. I went into this show thinking I'd get some answers on Tartaria, but I left with more questions than when I started. Mark brought up many connections and avenues that I had never heard before, so it was wonderful to look at this topic through a different perspective. This topic really serves as an opportunity for us to reexamine our history and question the narratives of how we got to where we are today. Go into this with an open mind, and do your own research! 

My Family Thinks I'm Crazy
Episode 101
November 12, 2021

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