Peter Champoux | The Masonic Age, Earth Rings, Wounded Knee, Ukraine and The Moon River Pyramid

2 years ago

Peter Champoux, Author, Researcher, and Geomancer, Joins me for a second time to go further into our conversation about the Gaia Matrix a Phenomena that Peter has spent many decades researching and connecting with. He explained how the Freemasons play a role in the laying the grid or geomantic net that stretches around the globe specifically the U.S. Peters Insights into the nature of the earth combined with his knowledge of Geomantic Corridors or Ley Lines he detailed for us the linear and circular lines that can be drawn around the world connecting places of similar significance. Peter entertained my questions about Hollow Earth and UFO's and than enlightened us as to how he is going about restructuring the energy at Wounded Knee in conjunction with a group of Lakota to help right the wrongs and reintern the desecrated remains of the Indigenous people who were massacred at Wounded Knee. Be sure to support Peter Champoux, Buy his book Gaia Matrix and begin to chart your own Gaia-Graph today!

My Family Thinks I'm Crazy
Episode 154
April 6, 2022

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