Newmax Bigot Eric Bolling Says Muslim Prayer On Airlines Is 'Triggering' To Americans

2 years ago

Eric Bolling has a xenophobic reaction to Rep. Ilhan Omar's comment on a video of airline passengers singing in Christian prayer. The Newsmax host claims a large contingency of the country are triggered by Islam: "That's what we get triggered by-in the name of radical Muslim fanaticism! So, yes, perhaps if a group of Muslims started chanting religious chants on an airplane, we might be freaked out!" Yikes.

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I used to be in airports all the time at my old job, TYT. I don’t remember a call to prayer in the United States happening. And if it did, I would not particularly care because it's not a force audience on an airplane, while I'm trying to take a damn nap. Also, if I have to choose between like my community, do I want to hear exclusively church bells or a call to prayer and church bells, I’m fine with both. The connection of Ilan Omar to terrorism, “she's a terrorist empathizer,” how many times they had to mention she's Somali-American. Also, our religious presence, George W. Bush, who did say publicly that we are not at war with Islam, helped foster an evangelical community in the military.

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