Breathing Protocols for the Management of Stress Related Disease With Martin McPhilimey

3 years ago

On our next "Life With Breath" Expert Series, we're speaking with Martin McPhilimey, Consultant, Scientist & Coach, on the role of breath as it relates to chronic disease conditions.

Martin and I will discuss chronic disease conditions such as cardiovascular issues, diabetes, hypertension and anxiety, and how we can utilise breath as a non-pharmacological means to better manage these issues and human physiology in general.

Join us to discover your "life with breath" applying "breath AS medicine" to improve health, wellness and well-being.

About Martin McPhilimey
Martin is an internationally accredited respiratory and sleep scientist with more than ten years of clinical experience. Having worked with thousands of individuals to improve their health and wellbeing, he now offers life coaching services for growth-minded individuals looking at enhancing their wellbeing, find their purpose and achieve their life goals. With a specific focus on stress-relief and anxiety management, Martin’s coaching programs are designed to help you achieve your highest performance in any areas of your life. He teaches behavioural habits, tools and practices that support people to live a more stress-free and focused lifestyle whilst minimising the risk of burdens such as anxiety, burnout and chronic disease. With a background in exercise physiology and years of practice in the health industry, Martin combines his knowledge and experience by using the latest evidence-based and practical principles to maintain a high level of performance with a healthy mind and body. His services include one-one-one mindfulness coaching, breathwork, sleep management and athletic recovery. Martin also offers tailored mentorship programs for clients who wishes to have a complete change of lifestyle, improve their mindset and achieve emotional transformation.

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Learn More About Breathwork Therapy With Ed Harrold:

1) Basics Of Breath Course
2) Live streaming breathing classes
3) Breath AS Medicine e-Learning Breathwork Trainings
4) Ed's books: 1) Life With Breath IQ + EQ = NEW YOU and 2) BodyMindBusiness The Business Of BE'ing Within (Both available on Amazon)

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