The Most Discriminatory And Unconstitutional Tax In America!

2 years ago

In Tennessee and six other states, certain random professions are forced to pay a 'professional privilege tax'. As a resident in Tennessee I am already subject to any and all SALT taxes, plus a consumption tax anytime I spend money and contribute to the local economy. The privilege tax is an annual tax of around $400 and is the most unconstitutional tax there is. Working and earning an income is a right, NOT a privilege. It is excessive and discriminatory and I am choosing to boycott it. It is important important for our elected leaders only impose necessary taxes to fulfill the role of the government that was created by the people, and for the people. It is not the role of the United States government, or any of the states to take advantage of its citizens. #taxation #taxationwithoutrepresentation #constitution #privilegetax #freedom #capitalism #economics #finance #donotcomply

I also touch on the ignorance regarding communism in the United States and how people incorrectly support it. You never see any one that fled a communist nation, who still supports it. Only the individuals that have never experienced it, believe that it works.#marxism #communism #insanity

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