FDA Investigating Lucky Charms Poisoning Claims While the Shelves Remain Empty!

2 years ago

The FDA is launching an investigation into whether or not the accusations that Lucky Charms is poisoning their customers is true! A website cataloging all the instances has been up and running and cases have peaked recently.

Meanwhile, the supply chain crisis is lingering in the background and is becoming the go-to excuse for companies and businesses to price gouge and explain away why their shelves are empty. Don't mind the man behind the curtain, kids.

The Epoch Times 1: https://www.theepochtimes.com/fda-launches-investigation-into-lucky-charms-after-reports-of-illness_4411981.html
ET2: https://www.theepochtimes.com/major-us-retailers-accused-of-profiteering-raising-consumer-prices-amid-soaring-inflation_4410443.html

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#LuckyCharms #FDA #SupplyChain

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