3 years ago

The social media overlords are at it again, only this time… they’re censoring peace, love and unity!

Yesterday, after trying to harmlessly post a PAID promoted video to Instagram about joining the Academy of Divine Knowledge, we were immediately alerted that our ad account was “disabled due to policy violation” even though the as has nothing controversial in it! It was simply advertising a platform of unity, community and LOVE!

The good news: we are growing at a rapid rate for a community that is only 2 months old! The bad news? They are trying to stop us.

And now, we rely solely on WORD OF MOUTH and people like you SHARING our content and our website.Please share this video far and wide! Tell your friends about the Academy! Monthly contribution go towards spreading more awareness and truth, keeping our platform running, and of course, taking this evil down once and for all.

Join ADK at: https://academyofdk.com/

Let the games begin.

Divided we fall…

Thank you,
Jason :)

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