Beastars Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Furry (Part 2) - ZORAfilms

3 years ago

As my review of Beastars continues into season 2; I have come to realize at a later time that this season (just like a deck of cards) has scenes shuffled all over the place and like the joker cards has some scenes (from the manga) discarded which does beg the question whether this is good or not for the story.

Part 1:
Part 3:
Coming Soon...

#beastars #animereview

Written and Edited by:
Eric J. Campos

Special Thanks to...
Mucrush for helping me in obtaining the Beastars font:
Lanky Abbriviations for helping in my quest for the font:
...and to the community of r/beastars:

Songs (In order of appearance):
Carter Family - Can the Circle be Unbroken
Interspecies Reviewers - FanFare
Galaxy Express 999 - Departure
HenNeko - Omusume Sama to Inu
Jacques Offenbach - Orpheus in the Underworld
The Legend of Zelda: BOTW - Riding (Day)
Pokemon Journeys - High Speed Battle (Slowed and Reversed)
HenNeko - Hentai-san Desu Ne
Nichijou - Kore Wa Ochi Desu
Beastars - Beastars! - pf solo
The Legend of Zelda: BOTW - Riding (Night)
King Crimson - I Talk to the Wind (Instrumental Ver.)
Persona 5 - Beneath the Mask (Instrumental Ver.)
Nichijou - Helvetica Standard - sono 2
Beastars - JUNO is in Love - adult
Beastars - Beautiful Memory
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Inside a House
Nichijou - Shinonome Kenkyuujo no Tanoshii Kenka
Beastars - Rouis' Heart - Truth
Beastars - Harlequin Rabbits
Beastars - Harlequin Rabbits - reprise
Nichijou - Kagakusha no Noumiso
The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever (Instrumental Ver.)
Beastars - Pina's Love Talk
Beastars - Coexistence
Moon Chill - Jeremy Crockett
Galaxy Express 999 - Wandering, Sorrow Journey

Table of Contents:
0:00 Continuation
1:25 A Teen's Never-Ending Alarm
4:54 The Gray Police Hound Runs
8:20 Changes
11:42 Entangled
17:20 Call it Like it is
21:13 Fly, O Corrupt One
25:51 Unforgettable Sweetness
32:54 Laughing at the Shadows We Cast
37:35 A Busted Electric Fan
40:22 The Chef's Whimsical Suspense
44:19 Scatter Your Scales
49:50 A Revolutionary Feast
55:26 Season 2 Overview
56:50 Conclusion





Disclaimer: I don't own or claim to own Beastars or any of the songs used in this video, they all belong to their respective owners and were only used for entertainment purposes.

A ZORA Entertainment Film 2021c

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