Heart-Realizer Azar Baksh on Man and Woman: without their Love this world will be done

3 years ago

In this video Azar Baksh talks about Man and Woman, also in relation to what happens in the world today. When Man is not Recognized, Naturally Respected and Embodied, the world as we know it cannot but go down. A perfect current example of men who radically ‘refuse’ to Embody Man – even though I don’t mention him in this talk – is the former secretary of health in England who, absurdly, didn’t need to resign because of total incapability, lack of respect for human beings other than himself, lack of compassion, not because he lied over and over again and faked and faked and faked, not because he is responsible for a long list of crimes against humanity, (co-)responsible for many deaths, but because he kissed someone. This is the world we live in today, in which Woman in male bodies climbs the ladder to the highest positions in society. This is the lack of Man. This is the world in which people, when they meet Jesus just keep walking – they’re busy – and when they meet people who belong to the caste of the rich, the powerful and the celebrities, they stop and bow and pay respect to their fortune, power and fame. Any society that doesn’t respect the Truth that Man should Embody is doomed to fall. We’re falling… Man or woman, if you don’t respect and bow for the Man in your Heart, you become a collaborator with the regime. Man and Woman: without your Love this world will be done, will fall prey to the Ego of the elite. Your Love is King.

The beginning part of the talk is only recorded on audio. The video starts at 3:46.

It is recommended to watch this video in silence and in the dark.

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