Learned helplessness as a result of mind control : navigating inertia and apathy states

2 years ago

Our behaviors have been influenced by trauma that has been endured, sometimes trauma we have no memory of. Heavy trauma that has not been processed is encouraging us to be in states of apathy, inertia and passivity. These states have been created by design to manage the power of our abilities, much reduced in manifestation in this mostly 3D realm. A lot is being done to encourage us to believe we are unable to change any given situation and for us to be discouraged to find creative solutions. Learned helplessness is often connected with depression.

I share an example of a backdrop (university friend) embodying this programming of learned helplessness in her own NPC way. Victimhood consciousness is also embedded in addition (many layers of it). For fire creation beings, it is so important to keep on studying the underground life. Much is done for us to believe the 3D reality of the cover life. So it is a cover game! And there are games wihin the game. We tend to become passive in the face of trauma. Most of the reals here struggle or have struggled with depression; it may never have being diagnosed.

Learned helplessness encourages us to be poor at problem-solving and not to have high expectations for success within the game. Let's keep on daring to envision BIG and to expand the mind towards new possibilities and options.

I will be launching a course on relationships, handling energies and reading frequency signatures mid or end of June. Back to Basics course will be released at a launch price in its evergreen version within a week. https://www.ariapersei.com/back-to-basics-defeating-mind-control-tactics-in-our-personal-lives-and-reclaiming-our-core-powers/

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