How to Live an Extraordinary Life in These Crazy Times with Elliott Haverlack

2 years ago

Elliott Haverlack is an ordinary guy who's led an extraordinary life. He worked his way from the factory floor to a Fortune 500 company boardroom, then walked away. He led a struggling family-owned business to global recognition, then walked away.

His first book, Unbundle It, supported the mission of his consulting business dedicated to helping people and companies thrive. In his latest book, From Fear to Fulfillment: A Fight for Faith, Family, and Freedom, Elliott shares his inspiring journey and words of wisdom. All proceeds from the sales of From Fear to Fulfillment will be donated to charity.

Listen in as Elliott dissects the all-important terms "faith", "family", and "freedom", and gives his thoughts on American exceptionalism and the enduring reality of the American Dream... and what the rest of the world can learn from America's example.

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00:00 - Episode Preview
02:20 - Introduction to Elliott Haverlack
04:21 - Elliott's extraordinary upbringing
12:54 - Why Elliott has recently become more outspoken about his faith
15:03 - How to live faith, family, and freedom publicly without getting canceled
19:57 - Why the U.S. is "a singular entity in all of history"
22:27 - The scourge of identity politics
28:44 - The importance of FAITH
32:52 - The importance of FAMILY
35:04 - The importance of FREEDOM
39:51 - Why so many Americans have become risk-averse and live in a culture of fear
45:44 - The spirit of the American Dream
49:40 - Elliott's definition of a "sovereign human being"
51:33 - How to connect with Elliott and get his book


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At a time when there seems to be no end to societal tensions around the world, almost everything is becoming politicized, and "censorship" and "cancel culture" have become buzzwords, we need more storytellers to rise and level a playing field that seems to be leaning one way over all others.

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