Schemes within Schemes: How Modern Elections Hide Fraud in Plain Sight

2 years ago

Election law can feel daunting because it was created to confuse and discourage citizens from engaging in their elections. Catherine breaks down what is really meant by terms like voter fraud and demonstrates how it manifested our electoral system from top to bottom.

This is from Amber McReynolds of the National Vote IT Home Institute had gone on record here saying with well over 50 million ballots cast in Oregon that have only been two fraud cases verifiable enough to result in a conviction to in convictions for mail ballot fraud in 20 years.

OK, this falls under the category, if you don't want the answer, you don't ask the question. They don't let citizens look at many of the very exhibits, many of the documents that would be necessary to try and put together a case.

And, you know, why would it fall to citizens, to concerned citizens?

Because they don't have the infrastructure within their own state to take a closer look. It's sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy, right? Like you don't think there's a problem, so you don't look for problems, but you also can't see problems because they're untraceable.

So you can only use what you have to begin with what's happening on the ground, listening to voters as we try to do, who tell you? Well, you know, I got more than one ballot. I wasn't able to volunteer to watch the ballots being cast. And I'm concerned about what's happening when nobody's watching, which is common sense. I mean, this, you know.

Our government is stem to stern littered with corruption, so the notion that this process, which decides who gets to hold the purse strings right, who gets to have the seats of power, that this process somehow everybody would don their angel halos and nobody would attempt to exploit the myriad weaknesses that are so crystal clear.

In fact, next week's podcast, check that one out five common ways to steal an election.

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