How To Boost Your Immune System

10 years ago

Ever notice that you get more colds around stressful times like finals or Christmas? Dr Sten Ekberg explains how chiropractic can help boost your immune system naturally.

Hello, I am Dr. Sten Ekberg I'm a chiropractor who practices neurologically based chiropractic and we're going to talk about more holistic approach to different things one concern for many people is colds and flus that many, that many of us get this time year So how does that work? How does one boost the immune system and all that, and yes nutrition is important but you all know eat more vegetables take your vitamin C and all that. So were going to look at what the brain has to do with it and this here is your cortex and then talk about the upper and lower brain stem and when every something called stress and that stress can be chemical or structural or emotional its anything that your body needs deal with. That stress is going to be picked up by the upper brain stem which handles your stress responses called your sympathetic or your fight/flight nervous system And that sympathetic is going to do things like increase your blood pressure and heart rate and blood sugar and your blood clotting factor and your cholesterol. All to get you better fit to survive in a crisis but the sympathetic is also going to inhibit the para-sympathetic which is your feed/breed that's what takes your your digestion and your immune system plus a number of other things but we're going to just focus a little bit on the immune system's. So anytime that you have stress that's going to increase the activity your sympathetic nervous system and it's going to shut down our para-sympathetic so anytime increase something with stress you going to decrease, your going to shutdown effectively your immune system. That's why everybody gets in school.. ah.. gets their colds and their flus around finals. That's why people, the more stress they have around the holidays even though its a time joy people get really really busy and they have more stress and they eat more sugar and they shutdown immune system. So one way to increase the the function of this system to reverse the cycle is the to increase the activity of your prefrontal cortex, the front half of the brain. And how does one do that? Well if you get adjusted chiropractic-ally it's not that there's a bone out of place it's not that the bone is pushing on a nerve that goes to your immune system that's not how it works but the spine provides ninety percent of the nutrition of the signals that becomes nutrition that becomes they're stimulating brain and the brain just like any other world any other cell in your body is uses or lose it so whatever information that the brain receives as electrical signals actually fuels the brains just keeps the brain going and ninety percent that comes from the spine according to Nobel Prize winner Reuters very so when this flying moos we stimulate the cortex we can hit sympathetic nervous system and thereby indirectly increasing the function I'll parasympathetic nervous system and consequently her back up the function of the immune system so when we'll have trauma slips and falls sedentary lifestyles and movement are the spine isn't working correctly then they're also not signaling correctly to the brain and the brain suffers any cannot hit no stress responses appropriately and your immune system suffers very simple mechanism budgets heart how that whole system works so digested do some light exercise do some breathing exercises relaxation training in addition to being that food and you will be much better suited to fight off does infections when the time comes thank you

Your Cumming Chiropractor Dr Sten Ekberg
Wellness For Life Chiropractic
3480 Keith Bridge Rd
Cumming GA 30041
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