Gaslight this: Projecting and problem solving do not mix

2 years ago

False promises, commitments which aren't met, platitudes, and low-resolution ideologies have become substitutes for dealing with complex multivariate issues. Most often they're employed in lieu of sincere and earnest evaluations of the actual sources for human suffering and societal problems. Recognizing that problems and suffering are both inevitable and inherent to our existence is where the journey for truth must begin because halfway measures will avail us nothing. For us to deal with the suffering nature of existence the quest for meaning and solutions in the face of it must begin within ourselves. And the most significant suffering we endure is due to our own inability to be honest with ourselves. Which is why humans are the only living creature capable of constructing lies then believing their own lies.

Gaslighting is how these lies will manifest themselves by projecting the blame for suffering and unresolved problems onto others. If you have made a comprehensive defense of reality and the pursuit of truth using reason, ethics, epistemology, and ontology, yet you're still being accused of stating things you've not stated, then you're being gaslighted. It's far easier to project our inadequacies onto others rather than examine our own flawed thinking. Therefore, I choose to avoid at all costs defending my moral rectitude but rather choose to defend what I can prove to be demonstrably true. Sadly, in the Academy today if students refuse to base their arguments on their professor’s ideological possession, they will receive lousy grades due to their "educators" inherent prejudices. And the same issue exists in Postmodern legislatures where ideology has come to mean more than practical solutions to the problems we face.

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