F4: Symposium | 11th Biennial International Meaning Conference 2021

2 years ago

AUG 7 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Paraprofessional Approaches to Self- Transcendence: Examples Involving Spirituality and Jungian Shadow Work [CEUs, 1.0]

Organizer: Kenneth Hart, Ph.D. Speakers: Shawn Sharkey, B.A., M.S.W.; Melanie Ryan, M.S.W., M.C.R., L.C.S.M.; & Charles Taylor, D. Div.

Continued growth and expansion within the area of scholarship known as Positive Psychology (PP) has resulted in a deeper recognition that optimal quality of life requires a balanced appreciation of light and dark. Paul Wong has described this new field as Existential PP. The current symposium provides three examples of community-based quality of life interventions that seek to promote thriving and flourishing within the general framework of applied existential PP.

In the first presentation, Hart and Sharkey will describe a 12 week zoom-based psychoeducational intervention which they have entitled “Birthing Your Hidden Golden Shadow”. By developing a Facebook Group devoted to Jungian shadow work, Hart & Sharkey recruited 12 adults spanning Canada and the US (7 females, 5 males, mean age 54) to participate free of cost personal growth group. This group is centered around an integration of small principles of group ministry and experiential exercises contained in a workbook entitled, “The Golden Shadow Method” (Ryan, 2020). A detailed description of the internal dynamics for each of the 2 hour zoom meetings will be provided. Briefly, our meeting protocol includes the use of service jobs, leaderless groups, sharing of ‘homework exercises”, altruistic silent listening, enactment of spiritual stretch intentions, prayer and meditation, and the segmentation of breakout rooms in a manner that encourages active and fair participation of all group members.

In the second presentation, Melanie Ryan, the author of “The Golden Shadow Method” (Ryan, 2020) will describe how her workbook assists people in identifying and integrating unconscious shadow energies of their psyche. Following in the footsteps of Dr. Carl Jung, Ryan (2020) describes how these disowned energies, (both dark and light) function to either sabotage or limit people’s best efforts at personal growth and self-transcendence. She also describes the buried reservoir of virtues that resides in the unconscious, hidden from everyday awareness. Ryan will describe how her book engages readers in experiential growth exercises involving Jungian principles of projection, archetypal analysis and active imagination. Finally, her presentation will also integrate Buddhist and Shamanistic approaches to befriending and owning Shadow energies in an effort to liberate untapped potential for human flourishing.

In the third presentation, Reverend Charles Taylor (Senior Minister, Universal Truth Center, Miami Gardens, Florida) will give an address entitled, “Pitfalls of Pollyanna New Thought Spiritual Groups”. In his talk he will discuss themes that include spiritual bypass, toxic positivity, and unconscious beliefs and processes that serve as obstacles to spiritual growth. Finally Reverend Taylor will present an alternative approach to ego-transcendence. This alternative incorporates principles of New Thought metaphysics, applied existential positive psychology, Eastern wisdom traditions, Perennial philosophy and Jungian depth psychology

For more information on the 11th Meaning Conference visit meaning.ca

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The mission of the International Network on Personal Meaning is to advance the vision of Dr. Viktor Frankl and Dr. Paul T. P. Wong through meaning research, meaning-centered practice, and meaningful living groups.

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"Holding Onto Hope (feat. Francine Honey) - Dr. Paul T. P. Wong" (SOCAN)
Words and Music by Paul T.P. Wong and Francine Honey
Produced by Neilson Hubbard

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