I Sure Hope She's Not a CHEWER!! - Caveblazers (Co-op)

3 years ago

Caveblazers w/ Todoh, Crafter from Team CSTN. Making runs clear to the end or embarrassing ourselves trying.


Alright, so you all probably know the deal with Caveblazers: side-scrolling action rouge-lite. We've tried it out now and again, and even made it to the end the last time we did it. I was using what I would argue to be the best class so I may want to shake it up this time around. I REALLY hope we don't have any recording problems, let alone problems with the game itself as was the case in the past. 1 like = 1% less chance of the game crashing. All the same, I hope you guys enjoy the stream and have a great rest of your day. Later guys!

- Todoh


Oh, and if you'd like to help support small-timers like us, we'd appreciate you stopping by our Ko-fi page down there. Thanks in advance.


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