Off Grid Cooking - Chicken Noodle Soup

3 years ago

The power is out. You haven't been to the store in weeks. What can you make for dinner?

For close to two years, we've been cooking at least one meal a week from items taken directly from our prepper pantry.

Practice makes perfect. Here we are, pretending the power was out, cooking a meal from items straight out of our prepper pantry. Actually, we're prepping meals for the week, but I'm doing it all on a Camp Chef stove on our front porch.

Today it's chicken noodle soup - homemade and off-grid style with common ingredients I pulled from our pantry. The one exception was the chicken, and I explain that in the video.

Here's the accompanying post, which includes more details and links:
Off-Grid Cooking: Chicken Noodle Soup

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