Big Study Finds Non-Vaccinated are Healthier than Vaccinated

2 years ago

In 2011, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services commissioned a study to be conducted by Harvard-Pilgrim Healthcare to determine how accurately the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (“VAERS”) had been keeping an accounting of the vaccine injuries and deaths the American people were suffering. The resulting report opens with the words “vaccine adverse events are common.” The report concludes that “less than one percent (1%) of vaccine side-effects are ever reported”.

This horrifying revelation was swiftly concealed and fully censored by the media. This censorship continues to this day and is buttressed by heavy search-engine and social media censorship, Joy Garner, founder of The Control Group, wrote in the summary and guide to The Control Group Pilot Study.

“The vaccine marketing slogan “safe” has always depended upon the disproven adjective ‘rare’ in reference to side effects. In the American Restatement (Second) of Torts 402A (comment k) vaccines are formally classified as ‘unavoidably unsafe’. But we are told vaccines are ‘safe’. Vaccines are not only unsafe, they are ‘unavoidably’ so. And the injuries are common, a minimum of 100 times more common than the VAERS will report

“The fact our obscenely abusive laws currently protect the pharmaceutical industry from any consequences for this fraud, and from the injuries it commonly causes, does not alter the dictionary definition of the word fraud. Few people suffer such severe cognitive dissonance that they would still believe vaccines are ‘safe’ once made aware vaccines are ‘unavoidably unsafe’ products that commonly injure, disable, and kill people.

“Most of the ‘top’ scientists in this field rely heavily upon pharma-funding so they all plead the 5th when it comes to explaining what has injured the immune systems of most Americans. They persist in pretending they’ve got “no idea” as they search for elusive genetic, race, or socioeconomic causes, i.e., anything besides vaccines to blame for all of these immune disorders. This farce keeps their benefactors very happy, but it requires an astounding number of scientifically obtuse “experts” and consistent fraud to sustain it.”

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