Thank you... Everyone...

3 years ago

"rpgm-news is like my most favourite channel ever"

"I always get a little excited when I see these videos drop, so keep up the good work!"

"How do you find this amount of content every other day its insane"

"someday I hope to make enough noise to make it on rpg maker news LOL"

"I'm just passing here to let you know that I love this news series that you are making. Is really such a cool idea and also very smart! Great contribution. Thanks a lot! I'm watching and liking every single one!! ^^"

"All your news are very helpful. Please keep doing them despite the views."

"I've been watching your RPG Maker News every day since you began and I can't express how nice and calming it was to watch this little news report."

"...I found that SigmaSuccour works very hard every day.
You spend your days looking for all kinds of information about RPG Maker and making videos to share, as well as making additional videos with subtitles in various languages."

"Twitter's a panic attack
Why surface twitter news when you can just browse animal memes all day? Although, Sigma's news is interesting, RPG maker is an exception there"

"Dropped you a follow on youtube, A lot of the resources you find and showcase are AMAZING and it's such a nice thing for you to do! TONS of what you show I never knew existed!!!"

"I want to thank you for making a channel that is succinct, clear, has good content, and isn't full of a bunch of dumb youtuber filler. Thank you so much!"

"I love the short and sweet style of these videos and get to learn about what's out there. Thanks for sharing!"

"Another great episode of SDN (Salik's Daily News) xD"

"Please keep these up! Love em."

"I like your accent. I love this, really! Good job!"

"I actually really like these Salik. Not just because a lot of effort went into them to make them appealing because it definitely shows, but that you find some VERY good material to cover."

"These are pretty Nice. Love the Idea and information given and also the pure informative tone IT has without to Many Bells and whistles. Good job!"

"Short and concise, love it. I don't watch a lot of videos but the bite-sized 1m length makes it viable."

"Thanks a lot for running this news channel. It is always interesting to have a regular wrap up of new stuff. "

"I wanted to say that I like your "news" videos and really appreciate your effort"

"Love your content! I found your content on reddit and FB and I finally bought RMMZ during the steam summer sale. Looking forward to create games with it!"

"Congratulations, you're the best RPG Maker content creator!"

"You come up with the coolest stuff."

"Short, but concise and informative enough for me to remember those resources for possible use later. I like the video structure idea."

"im not very much updated to the rpg maker community now a days. This really make me catch up. Gr8t vid!"

"This is so nostalgic to fanime weekly update! Thank you for doing this and giving upcoming games the spotlight they deserve"

"Thank you for hosting this show Salik! I have always been into RPG makers and your news help me catch up with what's going on with rpg maker community!"

"Keep them coming, bro!
REALLY love your persistence and super quick uploads with tons of useful information
#1 in the game for taht matter"

"Just wanted to say thanks so much for these videos I’m new at the whole rpg maker thing and made something small just goofing off figuring stuff out and am enjoying it but these videos help me so much because I dident know about the power of plugins lol"

"Thanks for your efforts, you're a gem in the making world. You should definitely ask Kadokawa to get paid, if you haven't already."

"How? How do you stay so consistent with this? The editing is top notch too. Love this series man."

"My regular news channel now!"

"This is really great, Sigma! I'm so glad you're doing this!"

"Thank you for always giving us the 411 on what's new in the RPG maker world! 👍🏿"

"Thanks for your effort for everyday news of rpg maker. I love watching them every day."

"Thanks for making these news videos man, it really helps alot!"

"Oh I love the idea of this rpg maker news type series. Subbed!"

"Man, this guy is so underrated"

"Salic, You are Awesome!! Thanks and for the 100 Video, Thanks in advance!!!!"

"Thanks once again for making these videos; they are super cool to see pop up in my YouTube feed every day."

"Damn, you push videos like cupcakes."

"This show is straight 🔥🔥🔥"

"You deserve more suscribers man, your content is amazing"

"Man, i love those. Keep it up!!!"

"I love these man. Thanks for your hard work."

"Great content for makers, thank you!"

"Yooo more RM news!"

"This series is so interesting! Keep up the good work! :D"

"Dude, I love your videos"

"Nice video - loving the rpg maker content -keep it up"

"Love the videos honestly these are awesome"

---NOTE: No two comments here, are from the same person.

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