Toxic and Dangerous Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

8 years ago

It is very common to find dogs sitting next to the dinner table, waiting for their masters to give them a bit of food off their plates.

Dog lovers are always giving their furry friends table scraps or small treats. If you are part of the group of dog lovers who can’t say no to the puppy dog eyes at mealtimes, it’s important to know that you may be harming your pet by feeding it certain leftovers.

Here are the top 10 foods you should never give your dog.

1. Chocolate

Chocolate, especially dark chocolate is one of the most well-known foods that are bad for dogs. Dark chocolate is worse than milk chocolate and white chocolate.

2. Onions

Onions have bad parts that can hurt the red blood cells and cause hemolytic anemia and Heinz bodies to form in the erythrocytes of animals like dogs and cats.

3. Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts can also be really bad for dogs. Sometimes, after a dog eats macadamia nuts, it can cause the body temperature to rise, a faster heartbeat, weakness, and vomiting. In the worst cases, it can even cause paralysis in dogs.

4. Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and raisins are bad for dogs because of the fungicides, herbicides, or pesticides that dirty them. Other ways they may be harmful is because they have a lot of metal, vitamin D, and fungus or mold in them.

5. Avocados

Avocado is another thing that should never be given to your dog. The compound persin, which can be found in avocados, upsets the stomach, and is very bad for dogs. Persin is found in the avocado fruit, and its plant and leaves.

Also, the slippery pit can easily get stuck in your dog’s intestinal tract, and cause pain because of the blockage. Your dog will need surgery to fix this this problem.

6. Apple Cores

The core and seeds of an apple have toxic cyanide, which can be bad for your pet. Cyanide stops blood from carrying oxygen through the body, and many bodily functions will stop if they don’t get the right amount of oxygen.

The poisonous apple core will cause a few things, like apprehension, dilated pupils, drooling, breathing problems, dizziness, collapse, seizures, hyperventilation, shock, and coma.

You can give your dog an apple as a treat, but only after taking out the seeds and core. Also, don’t give a rotten apple to your dog.

7. Alcohol

Do not give any kind of alcohol to your pets, and make sure your pet doesn’t lick up any spilled beer or whiskey. Alcohol can harm your dog’s liver and brain, like it does to yours. But it’s worse for dogs, because their organs are smaller than human organs.

Also, having alcohol can cause the blood sugar level of your pet to drop. This can be really harmful, and your pet will need to get  glucose very quickly to stop brain damage. Very low blood sugar can cause seizures in animals.

8. Bacon

You should never give raw or cooked bacon to your dog, even if he gives you puppy dog eyes.

Cooked bacon is a very fatty food that can cause canine pancreatitis, which can cause death. Fat trimmings, if they’re cooked or uncooked, can also cause this problem.

Because bacon has a lot of calories, it can cause obesity, hypothyroidism, and cardiovascular disease.

Also, the high amount of salt found in bacon can lead to bloating. Bloating can cause a lot of gas in the stomach, which can be very harmful to your pet.

9. Wild Mushrooms

Eating wild mushrooms is dangerous for dogs, although common white mushrooms seem safe for dogs to eat. If eaten, wild mushrooms can cause abdominal pain, drooling, liver damage, kidney damage, vomiting, restlessness, diarrhea, convulsions, excessive urination, salivation, coma, or death. If not treated right away, the toxins will gather in the body, and can lead to kidney or liver failure.

10. Any Food with Artificial Sweeteners 

Anything that has artificial sweeteners should not be given to your dog. These things can have xylitol, an artificial sweetener that can lead to too much insulin being sent into the blood, kidney failure, and worse.

0:00 Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat
0:50 Chocolate
1:14 Onions
1:34 Macadamia Nuts
1:55 Grapes and Raisins
2:17 Avocados
2:45 Apple Cores
3:26 Alcohol
4:01 Bacon
4:37 Wild Mushrooms
5:18 Artificial Sweeteners


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