Ever Wondered What To Drink To Lose Weight? Try This Recipe!

7 years ago

Most people have difficulties in getting rid of that annoying stomach fat. Even people who work out constantly or who are accustomed to dieting have difficulty with this kind of fat that just seems to accumulate.

And, it’s not just a matter of aesthetics.

Research has proven that excess fat in the belly region can cause health problems, such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and sleep disorders—among others.

That’s why this drink can be of great benefit to anyone who wants to eliminate that spare tire look.

The idea of this recipe is to complement a quick weight loss diet, because it accelerates the intensity of the fat burning process in the abdominal region, and increases your metabolism. The ingredients contained in the drink stimulate the elimination of toxins and harmful residues in our body, allowing us to better absorb the nutrients in our food.

In addition, they protect our body from the harmful effects of free radicals and other toxic substances that can have very serious side effects.

The recipe is very easy to make and can be quickly incorporated into people’s lives who are extremely busy.


1 teaspoon grated ginger
Half a medium-sized Chayote (sliced but not peeled)
Half lemon with peel (preferably organic)
1 handful of parsley
1/3 cup water


Mix all the ingredients in a blender until they’re all evenly blended. Drink a glass every day. Try to keep the same schedule. Drink the smoothie either before breakfast, or before bed. Drinking it at the same time everyday will improve its effectiveness.

It is been discovered that, although powerful, ginger can raise blood pressure in some people. However, the primary function of the chayote is to lower the pressure, thus balancing any harmful effects that ginger may cause.

As always, people with low or high blood pressure problems should talk to their doctors about this juice before adding it to their diets.

Did you like the drink tip? Do you diet to lose weight? Always pay attention to the newest natural recipes to improve your health and body performance.

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