How To Kill Termites And Get Rid Of Them Forever

6 years ago

If you want to know how to get rid of termites, then don't worry. Our home remedies for termites are a natural treatment for your home and furniture.

No one wants their house to be visited by termites, right? However, these small, unwanted insects pop up when we least expect them.

Termites mainly eat wood, but they can feed off of any other material that contains cellulose, such as paper, cardboard, live plants, etc. When they can’t find anything to eat, they destroy other objects while trying to find food.

It’s been estimated that the losses caused by these bugs amount to about 5 billion dollars per year in the USA and Canada, which is more than the damages caused by hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Since they can destroy furniture and even entire homes so quickly, it’s very important to know how to prevent them and what to do once you find them.

Here are some tips that help prevent termites from appearing.

Kitchen salt
Boric acid
Essential oils

Apart from the tips, here are a few more recommendations:

- Check to see if your house has ventilation spots or areas that are humid and don’t get much sunlight, and try not to leave furniture in those areas. Damp wood is one of termite’s favorite snacks.
- Sweep up any dead leaves or plants since they attract termites.
- In the vet that these tips don’t help with your termite infestation, call a professional exterminator.



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