If You Often Have Headaches, Low Energy, and Insomnia, Start Consuming These

7 years ago

Do you suffer from headaches, fatigue, difficulties in falling asleep or irritability?

These symptoms aren't only caused by stress or working too much.

In several cases, a lack of magnesium and vitamin K can be the culprit.

Magnesium, for example, is tied to at least 300 chemical reactions in our bodies.

Furthermore, it helps convert food into energy and create protein from amino acids.

Its not a coincidence that it is recommended to alleviate stress, anxiety, and fight fatigue.

Magnesium can prevent headaches and even treat migraines.

When your body is lacking this mineral, it lowers your serotonin levels, which causes your blood vessels to constrict. Low levels of magnesium can even cause depression and insomnia.

Vitamin K, on the other hand, synthesizes the proteins that are essential for blood coagulation.

Thus, a deficiency of it can cause excessive bleeding.

Vitamin K is also thought to protect our arteries and valves against calcification, and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and prostate cancer. And that isn't all!

Vitamin K also enhances Vitamin D's effectiveness, strengthening your bones.

Finally, low Vitamin K levels could increase the risk of broken bones.

In order to benefit from this vitamin, keep in mind that the doses change according to age, weight and sex.

Caution: Before you start taking vitamin K and magnesium supplements, talk to a professional. Excessive use could be bad for your health.


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