This Ginger, Honey and Cinnamon Tea Fights Colds, Sore Throats and More!

6 years ago

This tea recipe helps to keep weight off and strengthen your immune system with ingredients like cinnamon, ginger, and honey.

We cough, sneeze, blow our noses, run a fever... Whenever we catch a cold most of us run straight to the pharmacy to get some medicine. If you've been using natural medicine for a while now, then you know some tea recipes that help fight these symptoms. But did you know that tea can also fight other sicknesses?

In today's video, we're going to teach you a great recipe to end your cold, that calls for 3 powerful ingredients: ginger, cinnamon, and raw honey.

Due to ginger's antibacterial and anti-viral properties, it's a powerful ally for anyone looking to fight off a cold. It's also able to relieve the lung inflammation that comes from these kinds of infections.

Honey is also great at fighting colds. It coats your throat and reduces any irritation or pain caused by excessive coughing.

And as if these benefits weren't enough, this ingredient combination can also:

Relieve nausea
Fight Cancer
Control Diabetes
Improve menstruation symptoms
Treat arthritis

Now that you know some of these ingredients' benefits, here's the recipe:


- A thumb sized piece of ginger;
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
- 1 stick of Ceylon cinnamon;
- 1 teaspoon of raw honey;
- 1 and ½ cups of water.


Boil the water in a small pot, over medium heat. While it's heating up, cut the ginger into slices. As soon as the water starts to boil, add the ginger to the pot. Turn down the heat, and let it simmer. Then, add the cinnamon. Let it cook for 5 more minutes, then strain the liquid into a cup and add the honey and lemon.


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