Stop Hair Loss And Improve Your Vision With This Natural Remedy

7 years ago

Similar health issues plague both men and women as they begin to age. They can suffer from hair loss and poor eyesight. There are also some symptoms that are associated with both conditions: poor diet, genetics and stress are all factors. Some symptoms are specific to the condition. With hair loss, we expect for environmental factors, smoking, hormonal imbalances, scalp infections, and chemicals in shampoos and conditioners to be the most common culprits of hair loss.

Decreased vision, whether it’s from being nearsighted or farsighted, is often further associated with excessive strain on our eyes.

The good news is that there’s a natural remedy that can help you see better and give your hair a natural and healthy shine.


- 3 small garlic cloves;
- 4 lemons;
- 200g of linseed oil;
- 1kg of raw, organic honey;


First, peel the garlic and put the cloves through a garlic press or in the blender. Next peel the lemons and place them in the blender with the garlic, mix until it’s all very smooth. Then add the remaining ingredients (linseed oil and honey) and blend it well once more. Pour the syrup into a jar and place it in the refrigerator.

How to use it:

Three times a day, at least half an hour before eating, take one tablespoon. It’s best to use a wooden spoon.

The ingredients aren’t hard to find, and you’ll be glad you tried once you see the results!


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