Labour councillor embroiled in vicious street brawl after violence erupted on campaign trail

2 years ago

Shocking footage shows the moment a Labour councillor became embroiled in a vicious street brawl after violence erupted on the local election campaign trail.

Cllr Mohammed Idrees had been canvassing with Labour candidate Saqib Khan in the Small Heath area of Birmingham when the melee broke out on Saturday (16/4).

Mobile phone footage shows a group of men clashing in the street as wild punches and kicks are thrown along Kenelm Road where campaigners had been leafletting.

The ugly scenes unfolded after a local resident took exception to Labour Party members knocking doors ahead of the Birmingham City Council elections on May 5.

One man in a black Adidas t-shirt can be seen remonstrating with two other men over a front garden wall before the exchange escalates into a scrap.

The men begin to swing at each other as one is backed into a parked car and repeatedly kicked to the floor while by-standers, including Cllr Idrees, try to intervene.

The footage, obtained by the Birmz is Grime blog, has since been viewed thousands of times after being uploaded to social media.

The leader of Birmingham's Conservatives has since said he expects the Labour party to take action if members were found to have taken part in an assault.

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