6 Proven Natural Remedies for H. Pylori

6 years ago

Helicobacter pylori, most commonly known as H. pylori, is a bacteria that can be found both in the stomach and in the duodenum, and is responsible for one of today's most chronic infections. It has been estimated that 50% of the world's population has this bacteria in their stomachs.

Normally a person can get this bacteria through saliva or oral contact with water or food that touched contaminated fecal matter, however, the way it’s transmitted is still unknown. That said, the best way to keep from getting it is by paying special attention to your hygiene.

The biggest problem is that this bacteria's presence in your body doesn't normally cause any symptoms, and can only be discovered through specific exams. On the other hand, people that have been infected by H. pylori develop ulcers or gastritis. Those do have symptoms.

The thing people normally do is treat the gastritis and ulcers that were caused by the bacteria with antibiotics.

There are certain foods that can be used to treat this condition, and rid your stomach of this bacteria.

Here is a short list of the foods that can help fight off H. pylori:

- Turmeric
- Cranberries
- Broccoli/Cabbage
- Green propolis
- Green Tea
- Olive Oil

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