How to Make Turmeric Lemonade To Treat Depression Naturally

6 years ago

Is it true that turmeric is useful for treating depression?

The World Health Organization considers depression to be the one of the biggest evils of this century for several reasons. Nowadays it can express itself in many different shapes and sizes and affects numerous amounts of people.

Fortunately, there are some natural alternatives that can help you in these kinds of situations.

A study has found that turmeric use can really help fight depression, having even better results than fluoxetine.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your mood while treating any other symptoms related to depression, try drinking lemonade with turmeric. Not only does this special lemonade not have any side effects, but it’s also rich in antioxidants.

Here’s how to make it:


1 cup of purified water;
1 teaspoon of powdered or grated turmeric;
The juice of 1 freshly squeezed lemon;
A little freshly cracked black pepper;


Mix all the ingredients in a jar and stir well. It’s recommended that you drink this lemonade every day, up to three times a day.

Depression is a serious disease and if you’re facing it or think you might be, please seek specialized help. Only a health professional can tell you what the best choice is for your specific situation.




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