10 Health Benefits of Grapefruits

8 years ago

Oranges and lemons are the most commonly used citrus fruits. But did you know that grapefruits can be great for your health?

Grapefruits can be good for your body in many ways. In fact, grapefruit is known as the “fruit from paradise” because it’s very helpful to your health, and can also stop sicknesses from coming.

Grapefruits are full of vitamin C, a strong antioxidant. They also have vitamin A, potassium, folate, thiamin, vitamin B6, calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus, and magnesium, and some phytonutrients and flavonoids.

Here are the top 10 ways grapefruit can be good for your health.

1. Aids Weight Loss

Grapefruits are good for people trying to lose weight  because they are full of vitamin C, fiber, and water. The vitamin C will help your metabolic system work properly and also control the breaking down of fats, which will help the body burn fat.

2. Stabilizes Blood Sugar

The American Diabetes Association advises people with diabetes to eat grapefruit. This is because grapefruit is a low- glycemic food, and does not cause blood sugar to rise right after it’s eaten.

3. Protects Against Cancer

Grapefruit can help lower the risk of cancers of the stomach, colon, bladder, breast, and esophagus.

4. Reduces Risk of Kidney Stones

Drinking grapefruit juice every day can help lessen the risk of calcium oxalate kidney stones. Because grapefruits have so much citric acid they can stop stones from forming, and even break up small stones that have already formed. Citric acid makes the urine unfit for stones to form.

5. Protects Heart Health

Grapefruits are also good for our heart health, because they are full of vitamin C. They also have a lot of potassium, which works as a vasodilator, which means that it helps the blood vessels and arteries relax. This lowers blood pressure and lessens the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

6. Lowers Bad Cholesterol

Grapefruits have a few flavonoids. The main flavonoid hesperidin in grapefruits raises ‘good’ high- density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and lowers ‘bad’ low- density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides. A study done in 2006 showed that eating only one grapefruit a day can help lower your LDL cholesterol levels by 15.5 percent and triglycerides by 27 percent.

7. Boosts Immunity

Grapefruits help raise immunity and lessen the  problem of getting infections and common colds.

8. Improves Skin Health

The vitamin C in grapefruit is also good for healthy skin. Vitamin C is needed to make healthy collagen which helps keep your skin plump and smooth. Also, because of the grapefruit’s antioxidants, it fights the body’s cell aging that’s caused by harmful free radicals.

9. Fights Gum Disease

Because grapefruits have so much vitamin C, they are very helpful for fighting gum disease. A healthy gum line is important for strong teeth. A study done in 2005 showed that eating grapefruit every day lessened gum bleeding in people with gum disease.

10. Cleanses the Liver

Grapefruits can help clean out poisons from the liver because it has glutathione, a strong antioxidant that gets rid of free radicals.

The phytonutrients in grapefruit, called limonoids, help take  toxins out of the liver by making them melt from water.

Also, the flavonoid compound called naringenin helps the liver burn fat, instead of storing it.

Make sure to always buy grapefruit that are firm and springy to the touch.

For extra health, choose the pink and red grapefruits.

Keep grapefruits stored at room temperature before juicing them to get the most out of them.

To better the taste if you find that your grapefruit juice is too bitter or sour, add juice form green apples or carrots.

0:00 Health Benefits of Grapefruits
0:45 Aids Weight Loss
1:13 Stabilizes Blood Sugar
1:37 Protects Against Cancer
2:09 Reduces Risk of Kidney Stones
2:36 Protects Heart Health
2:58 Lowers Bad Cholesterol
3:30 Boosts Immunity
3:55 Improves Skin Health
4:15 Fights Gum Disease
4:34 Cleanses the Liver

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