9 Signs You Are Eating Too Much Sugar

7 years ago

9 Signs You Are Eating Too Much Sugar

Who doesn’t have a sweet tooth? Just blame it on the delicious taste of sugar. Most people will admit they consume sugar in large amounts. Sometimes, it’s obvious like when you sweeten tea or coffee. But it also lurks in abundance in some of our favorite food and beverages.
The American Heart Association (AHA) places the following major sources of added sugars at the top of their list:

Soft drinks;
Cakes and pies;
Dairy desserts;
Fruit drinks;

The AHA recommends that American women consume 100 calories or less of added sugar each day. This equals about 6 teaspoons of sugar. For men, the daily calorie cap of added sugar is 150, or about 9 teaspoons.

In today’s video we’ll highlight 9 flashing lights that may be signaling you are consuming too much sugar.

1. Fatigue
Sugar can create a sugar high and give the illusion that you are energetic. Yet, when that blood sugar tumbles, you’ll suddenly feel sluggish. To regain that temporary euphoria, you race to the cookie jar. Consider instead, adding fiber and protein to your diet. Nutrients provide genuine energy. Since fiber and protein digest more slowly, you’ll feel fuller for longer. And these nutrients don’t cause sugar peaks and valleys. Opt for foods rich in proteins, such as eggs, lean chicken, veggies, whole grains and fruits.

2. Complexion Issues
Consuming extra sugar may leave visual clues on your face. Those who are sensitive to soaring insulin from eating too much sugar will send their hormones in a tailspin. The result may be acne or other embarrassing complexion issues. Not sure about last this sentence in yellow highlight. Is it something you want to include?

3. Endless Craving for Sweets
Breaking a sugar addiction can be done, but it’s difficult. Once your body habitually receives a large amount of sugar, the vicious internal cycle is set in motion.

4. Mood Shifts
A fresh dose of sugar can create a short burst of energy and suddenly, you feel like everything is right with the world and in your life. When the energy tanks, you’ll be grouchy and irritable. So those junk foods are only a temporary treat for taste buds, but they aren’t doing any wonders for your mood.

5. Weight Gain
You won’t have to look too far to see where those mid-day snacks are residing; they are probably encircling your midsection. After all, the body has to stash that sugar somewhere and it typically lands on the belly. If you begin to curb sugary snacks and soda, you may not need to buy new jeans after all.

6. Cavities
Dentists are quick to remind us that sugar can launch an attack on teeth; it’s one of the biggest culprits of instigating dental decay. Sugar doesn’t have to be totally eliminated from your diet. You’ll just need to consume the type of sugar that’s healthy, including reduced sugar yogurt, low-fat milk or fresh berries.

7. Foggy Brain
Sugar is often the guilty culprit for a person’s forgetfulness, elevated stress and inability to sleep. To function properly, the brain depends upon a steady supply of blood glucose. Steady is the key word; a sudden sugar surge followed by a rapid descent can create confusion.

8. Sweets Lose their Taste
Taste buds are our sensors to let our brain know what’s sweet. Too much sugar can throw these taste buds off balance. They don’t give us that same satisfaction that something has the same sweet flavor.

9. A Case of the Blues
Too much sugar can often be linked to depression. A daily quantity of excess sugar can cause inflammation in the body and as well as in the brain. Studies reveal that clinically depressed patients have a higher rate of brain inflammation.
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