How to Get Rid of Acne, Stains and Pimple Marks Naturally

7 years ago

Our face is very important because it works as a "business card". Since it’s the first thing that people see, we are judged based on our appearance.

Imperfections in the skin, such as pimples and blemishes on the face, are some of the reasons why people are dissatisfied with the way they look.

Even though these marks will never be popular, especially among young people, having them is normal.

Many young people suffer from low self-esteem due to blemishes and acne.

Although they are in the phase where their hormones are being “calibrated” and often out of balance, some young people become depressed because they’re unhappy with their appearance. Therefore, during adolescence it’s important to know how to always control acne, since they keep coming back during this period of our lives.

In adulthood, with hormones properly balanced, pimples are no longer the biggest problem affecting our complexion.

Stains from pollution, a poor diet, stress or just normal aging, begin to change our appearance.

Often treatments to remove facial stains are expensive and can cause other damage.

So knowing how to remove facial stains safely and naturally is something many, many grown-ups covet.

Let’s learn how to do away with pimples and how to remove facial blemishes with a quick and easy-to-make recipe, that doesn’t cause damage and uses ingredients that are easy to find. Ingredients:

- Half a glass of water;
- 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar;
- Half of a lemon (juiced);
- 1 teaspoon baking soda;
- 1 tablespoon of honey.


Mix the apple cider vinegar in the glass of water;
Slowly add the baking soda; Squeeze the lemon and add the juice with the honey to the mixture;
Keep in mind that it’s important to maintain this order when mixing the elements;
Stir the mixture for a few minutes or until uniform.


Wash your face thoroughly to wipe off external dirt and open pores;
Dry the face with a clean, soft cloth; Then apply the mixture and leave it for five to ten minutes to take effect; After ten minutes, wash with warm water;
You can also throw cold water on your face after washing with warm water in order to close the pores;
Over time you will notice that your skin will greatly improve. Important Reminders:

Before applying this recipe, take an allergy test: Place a small amount on the skin, wait a few minutes to see if it will become irritated. If there are no irritations, you can use the recipe with no worries.

The treatment is to be done only at night, because of the lemon. It is also recommended not to sunbathe the next day.


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