Do You Have Candida? Take The "Spit Test"!

7 years ago

Candidiasis is a very common infection caused by the Candida fungus, and can affect your skin, nails, organs, genitals, throat, bloodstream and mouth. This infection can affect both men and women, but it's more commonly found in women.

It isn't always easy to diagnose candidiasis due to its generic symptoms. The easiest way to diagnose it is by paying attention to how you feel, watching out for the symptoms, and performing the necessary tests. There is one test that you can do to find out if you have candidiasis, and many people believe it to be very trustworthy.

It's known as the “spit test” and is very easy to do.

Here is how you can do it:

When you wake up in the morning, before eating breakfast, fill your mouth with saliva and spit it into a glass cup with water. Watch the cup for 30 minutes to an hour.

If your saliva mixes with the water, sinks to the bottom of the cup, or if you can see the water becoming blurry with specks from your saliva, you might have candidiasis.

Since the results of this test can be affected by other things such as allergies, milk or dehydration, we can't always trust it completely. It's always important to consider the other symptoms, and if need be, seek out someone who can give you a more precise diagnosis.


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