8 Amazing Benefits of Clary Sage Essential Oil

7 years ago

It is of no surprise that our bodies change as we age. This is particularly true for women, who tend to experience unpleasant symptoms, including hot flashes, memory loss and mood swings. Luckily, essential oils can help. One oil in particular, clary sage oil, offers many benefits to older women. Today’s video will discuss these benefits and how to properly use this oil.

1. Tackles Menstrual Pain
Clary sage can reduce, or eliminate entirely, the symptoms and discomforts of PMS. This includes, but is not limited to, cramping, bloating, food cravings and mood swings. Research by the Oxford

2. Treats and Prevents Infections
Clary sage also has antiseptic properties, which means it can clean out wounds and prevent infections. However, essential oils tend to be very strong. That is why a little can go a long way. So, only use a few drops in the wound and no more than five at any given time.

3. Balances Hormones
Clary sage helps the body with the production of estrogen. It can also help with the body’s uterine health and prevent uterine and ovarian cancers. It is important to produce the correct amount of estrogen, no more, no less. An excessive amount of estrogen can cause estrogen-based cancer, polycystic ovaries and infertility.

4. Improves Skin
Clary sage has the ability to reduce inflammation, reduce the appearance of rashes and prevent acne breakouts. It keeps the skin moist, supple and elastic. This oil can also reduce the signs of aging by filling in wrinkles and clearing up blotches.

5. Reduces Stress
Clary sage can help the body relax by reducing any stress or anxiety that is plaguing you. As such, it can increase confidence and help you become more mentally strong and ready to face the day.

6. Improves Circulation
Since clary sage oil relaxes the body, it can also relax muscles and arteries. Therefore, it reduces blood pressure and helps aid in circulation. Because oxygen is flowing more efficiently and bountifully, the body’s metabolic rate increases, also.

7. Helps Digestion and Cholesterol
Clary sage oil helps to produce stomach bile and gastric juice. Therefore, it speeds up metabolism while reducing bloating, cramps and indigestion. It can also help to regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation. It can also help to protect the heart and naturally lower cholesterol levels. For best results, it is recommended to massage a mixture of the oil and coconut oil directly onto your abdomen. You can also use a hot compress with 5 drops of clary sage essential oils soaked into it.

8. Helps Sleep
Since clary sage oil promotes relaxation, it is an excellent all-natural sedative. You can make a balm at home to assist in this. To do that, mix 10 drops of clary sage oil with 10 drops lavender essential oil and place in a double boiler. Add ½ cup coconut oil, ½ cup olive oil and ½ cup beeswax. Stir for approximately ten minutes and the pour into containers to cool. Then, apply directly to skin to promote a deep, relaxing sleep.

It is important to note that clary sage should not be used, especially directly on the abdomen, by pregnant women. The oil is absorbed into the body and can affect the growing fetus and cause uterine contractions. It is also not recommended to combine clary sage oil with alcohol, or consume alcohol before or after using the oil. This mixture can cause insomnia and nightmares. And, as always, consult your doctor prior to adding new supplements to your daily regime.

Were you aware of this essential oil and all of its benefits? Have you tried clary sage oil and experienced some of these benefits? Let us know in our comment section.

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