Drinking Tea Can Reduce Your Alzheimer’s Risk By 86%, Study Finds

7 years ago

If you love tea, then consider “tea time” as a way to drink to your health.

A recent Alzheimer’s study by the National University of Singapore followed 950 adults for 2 years who were 55 years old and older. Years later they conducted a follow up with them to assess their cognitive abilities.

Amazingly, the conclusion was that those who regularly drank tea lowered their risks of neurocognitive disorders by 50 percent. This same group of people - who were predisposed to Alzheimer’s - showed a 86 percent decreased risk of cognitive impairment.

Researchers generally agree that one specific tea isn’t more effective than any other. As long as its tea brewed from tea leaves and you consume it regularly, you can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.

So how do tea leaves benefit the brain?

Tea leaves are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that join forces to help protect the brain.

In a 2013 clinical study, researchers discovered that the theanine and caffeine in tea also enhanced a person’s performance at work. They reported being more creative and alert. This is due to combination of the caffeine and L-theanine (a relaxation-promoting amino acid).

Another 2012 study discovered that a chemical in green tea helps improve memory. It boosts the production of certain cells which the brain can then use to meet its own needs.

How To Enjoy Your Tea

First, you will need to use real tea leaves – and not the easy-to-use tea bags. So whether your preference is black or green, or any other kind, use organic, loose leaf tea. You can find them at a health store or grow and harvest on your own.
Next, beware of sweeteners. If you must add something to your tea, select organic raw honey. Or try adding coconut milk.

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