Put an Aspirin in Your Washing Machine - It's Incredibly Effective

8 years ago

Whether clothes are washed by hand or a machine, stains don’t always disappear easily. White often loses its brightness and radiance. Our clothes seem to become grayer and grayer with every washing.

It may sound unbelievable, but the pain-killer that’s used the most – aspirin - has some very unusual uses. For example, putting an aspirin in your washing machine can help your clothes.

This trick can be used instead of bleach and any cleansers that clean stains. One aspirin pill in your wash is all you need to make your laundry stay white. Best of all, you don’t have to spend too much money on it, and you won’t get annoyed when your white clothes start turning gray.

So, how do you get your clothes white and take out stains?

Start by melting five 300 mg aspirin tablets in 2 gallons of hot water. You can crush the pills before to make them easier to melt.

The next thing you need to do is soak your white laundry in the mixture, and leave it overnight.
In the morning, move your clothes into the washing machine, add a few more aspirin pills, and turn the white laundry cycle on.

To increase the effects, you can crush an additional two or three aspirin and mix them with just enough water to make a thick paste. Rub the resulting paste on the stains and allow it to sit for several minutes before rinsing and washing the clothes as you regularly would.

The reason why aspirin works like a miracle is because of its main ingredient – salicylic acid, which works in the same way that vinegar, lemon juice, and boric acid do. Unlike conventional bleaches, this laundry-whitening method is completely safe and doesn’t damage fabrics. Instead, it removes dirt and stains as effectively.

Also, you get your white laundry looking fresh and clean like it should.

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