Taking Back Our Beaches #WeWillAllBeThere

3 years ago

Bitchute Channel : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/N63Ul4H5r541/
Muizenberg during the infamous 'Beach Ban' .
This is the moment when the people rose up together and politely took back their beach . This video captures the essence of the good people of Cape Town , and was the defining act that finally broke the beach ban Nation Wide.
This fact has been argued by some and opinions may differ , however , I was there ....i saw it across the nation from CT to Durbs as peeps were sending me pics from around SA..FROM THAT DAY FORWARD THE BEACHES WERE OPEN. Squirrel only dropped the ban on the Monday to save face and the press did not publish any of the pictures I sent to them of full beaches.
Thankyou Yaseen for this fantastic video!! . It will be a moment that will live with me forever .
(Remember to like peeps.. Cheat the Algorithm .. keep our voices and stories safe)

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