How to Deal With Anxiety & Stress Like a Navy SEAL (Box Breathing)

5 years ago

In this video, you are going to learn the steps of box breathing and how it can help you. This simple yet effective breath technique is wonderful for reducing stress, regulating your heart rate and calming your nervous system.

Breathing deeply and rhythmically can help us in many ways by reducing anxiety symptoms, helping to us to calm our minds, regulating our nervous system, and controlling several different internal functions like blood pressure, heart rate, and digestion.

But in order for deep breathing to be truly beneficial it must follow a certain pattern.

Here’s what to do:

Start by breathing in through your nose and counting to 5. While exhaling, expand your stomach first, then your diaphragm, and finally your chest. By doing this, you’ll be slowly teaching yourself how to breath correctly.

Hold the position for 5 more seconds (your lungs should be practically empty by now.)

Repeat this steps for a period of 1 to 2 minutes in the beginning, and try to do it several times a day. According to the author, you should keep this up until you can do it for 5 to 10 minutes a day.

Try this technique before situations in which you would normally feel anxious or nervous. Not only will it help you calm down, but it’ll also improve your focus and mental capacity to deal with the situation.



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