Few People Know These Amazing Onion Tricks!

6 years ago

Onions are so commonly used in every kitchen, but many are unaware of benefits they offer.

The onion is a popular food widely used as a seasoning in several dishes, and it’s also great at preventing and combating various diseases because it boosts our immune system.

Because it contains quercetin, saponin, allicin and anthocyanin, it can fight colds, infections, the flu, asthma, allergies, bad cholesterol, hypertension, aging…

It even protects against cancer!

This is why onions have been used to treat numerous diseases for thousands of years.

Check out some tips that will help you get the most out of all the health benefits of one of the most popular foods in the world:

It helps with coughing
It serves as a decongestant
It can help break a fever
It soothes insect bites
Helps relieve colicky children

Most people avoid eating onions because they give you bad breath, but you can fix this problem easily: just chew on a few parsley leaves or eat some walnuts or almonds.

Onions keep for a while, so you can store them on your countertop for up to a month. Due to this, there is no downside to stocking up on onions.

If you have questions about how to store your onions, take a look at the video we made on that topic.

So, did you enjoy learning about some of onion’s health benefits?

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