Here's What Sleeping Less Than 7 Hours Per Night Does to Your Body

5 years ago

How many hours do you usually sleep everyday?

Did you know that sleeping less hours than recommended, or waking up too many times during the night can be very bad for your health?

Of course you probably have friends or relatives that claim to sleep only 4 or 5 hours and feel great about such a habit. The fact is, we have not been sleeping enough, and this is not a good thing.

According to a study conducted at the University of California, in Berkeley, not resting your mind and body enough could lead to a decrease in your reflexes and your reaction speed; it also interferes in your text comprehension skills.

Moreover, a study published in the "Journal of the American College of Cardiology", revealed that people who sleep less than six hours per night, have a higher risk of developing atherosclerosis.

According to the tests, the damage increased each night and did not become stable. In fact, no one “adapted” to the lack of sleep, even after two weeks of testing.

And the problems don’t end... Lack of sleep:

Speeds up weight gain
Decreases libido
Causes depression
Causes irritability
Decreases immunity

If you believe that during the week you can get by on less hours of sleep and then recover them on the weekends, you are wrong! This is not how the human body works.

According to researchers, the weekend is not enough to readjust your sleep. In order to maintain your brain and your mind working well, you need to sleep seven or eight hours every night!



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