CLEAN KETO vs DIRTY KETO: The Truth About KETOSIS | Dr. Nick Z.

5 years ago

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Clean Keto Vs Dirty Keto | Beware Of This Mistake is a video that highlights the distinct difference between clean keto and dirty keto.

When following any diet, exercise program or new health regiment many people look to what they can skimp on versus how they can do it as perfect as possible. Unfortunately many poeple who do keto in the unhealthy way. So what is clean keto vs dirty keto? It basiucally means you are eating unhealthy foods that allow for you to stay in the state of ketosis. Though these foods allow you to stay in ketosis they are unhealthy and offer the risk of derailing your health goals.

A dirty keto diet example would be along the lines of canned cheese, eating excessive amount of bacon, not eating enough vegetables, eating fried foods cooked in bad oils and the list goes on. The ketogenic food list contains may healthy oils but not vegetable oils that are high inflammatory. When you take these bad oils and then fry with them them become even more unstable and cause more inflammation.

The what is dirty keto diet question then leads us to what you actually should eat. You want to focus on healthy fats like avocado, butter, olive oil, and then keep you micronutrient levels high by consuming a lot of leafy greens. You also want to utilize methods like intermittent fasting in order to keep you in ketosis as well. The dirty keto diet is the lazy way to do ketosis and should be avoided.

Clean keto eating doesn't have to be expensive or unreasonable, it just needs to be healthy. I tell people all the time to find farmers markets and reasonably priced groceries and local food sources because that is the most cost effective way to do it. Clean keto vs dirty keto is an important topic because results from doing these wrong are not going to help you achieve better health.

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