5 Natural Laxatives That Actually Work

5 years ago

Are there any natural laxatives that work? To deal with not being “regular,” many people turn to laxatives to get the job done fast.

Do you have difficulty or pain evacuating?

Very common in people who suffer from constipation, they are classic signals that something is wrong with your body.

Many times it can be a fiber-poor diet, or maybe a trip, but besides that, constipation can happen because of stress, pregnancy, hypothyroidism, colon cancer, multiple sclerosis, and excessive ingestion of medications.

The first symptom is a difficulty evacuating, but we can also cite: vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating and loss of appetite.

Do you suffer from constipation?

In today's video we will show you 5 foods and recipes that are great natural laxatives and can help you...

Besides these tips, to avoid and cure constipation, it is important to keep good eating habits.

They include:

1. Avoid consuming flour and granulated sugar.
2. Opt for light meals, with varied and balanced foods.
3. Consume more fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.
4. Consume rosemary, oregano, and parsley to aid digestion.
5. Drink water regularly.

It is worth noting that serious cases of constipation require medical care. If this is your case, talk to your doctor.

If you get constipated once in a while, these tips can help you.


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