Vitamin A Benefits That Will Dramatically Improve Your Health

5 years ago

Vitamins are essential nutrients for our body, each one having a specific and vital function.

However, our body isn't able to produce them. So, knowing where to find vitamins is important.

The deficiency of even one of them is enough to cause many diseases and affect the condition of your eyes, skin, and even mental health. One of them is vitamin A.

It is part of the group of liposoluble vitamins, and can be found in foods of animal origin (eggs, milk, chicken), in the form of retinoids, and in vegetables, in the form of carotenoids, like beta-carotene.

This vitamin is present in colorful foods and has important functions, such as:

Improves vision, helps growth, helps with teeth formation, and collagen formation, and is also a necessary vitamin for cell renewal.

Did you know that?

Even though vitamin A is present in many foods, one third of children under 5 years old suffers from vitamin A deficiency.

According to a study by World Health Organization, the deficiency of vitamin A in children can be fatal.

It is also considered the cause of infant blindness in some countries in Asia and Africa.

Do you want to know what benefits vitamin A offers to your health?

Learn them now!

Now that you know all the benefits of this vitamin, you must be asking: What foods should I eat to get vitamin A?



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