How to Eat Healthy, Lose Weight and Feel Awesome Every Day

5 years ago

What is healthy eating for you?

Having a healthy diet is important to the body. It needs all the macro and micronutrients to make the body work correctly.

But do you know what macro and micronutrients are?

Have you ever heard "if you have health, you have everything"?

This is actually true since our health is one of the greatest riches of life. So having good habits to keep it is key, right?

Certainly, you must be tired of hearing this, but one of the secrets of a healthy life is having balanced eating habits.

According to dietitian Margarida Vieira, there is no such thing as superfoods, but rather, powerful combinations of foods.

She says that all foods have their own value, and your diet needs to meet 3 requirements to be healthy.

No matter how many years go by, the definition of healthy eating doesn't change.

So, having varied and balanced foods in our meals and snacks, with their macro and micronutrients all balanced, gives us a complete dish and, thus, a healthy diet.

Did you know that eating correctly can decrease stress, anxiety and irritability?

Keep in mind that a proper nutritional plan is able to help you lose weight and fight diseases such as diabetes and heart diseases.

It also improves your physical and cognitive performance.

Now, tell us, do you consider your diet healthy?



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