5 Proven Benefits of Vitamin B9 (Folate, Folic Acid)

5 years ago

Folic acid, also known as folate, folacin, or vitamin B9, is a recommended supplement for pregnant women.

But, did you know that folic acid is also important for the heart and Alzheimer's prevention?

Folate is something necessary for many bodily functions, such as the synthesis and repair of DNA, cellular growth and division, protein production, and red blood cell formation.

Learn more about its benefits:

It is good for the skin, nails, and hair
Important during pregnancy, for fetal development and neural tubes formation;
Great for the brain
Helps your heart

And last, but not least, it is great to boost your immune system.

For adults, the recommended daily dose of folic acid is 400 mcg, and 150 mcg or 300 mcg for children.

In case of pregnancy, the dose goes up to 600 mcg, and for breastfeeding women, it is 500 mcg.

A great way to get folic acid, besides supplements, is through eating.

That's why we will now show you some foods that are rich in vitamin B9.

In case of doubt, talk to your doctor to see if it is necessary to supplement this powerful vitamin.

Did you know all the benefits of folic acid to our health?


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