Benefits of Papaya Leaves for Skin, Hair & Health

5 years ago

Papaya is delicious, isn't it?

Full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and digestive enzymes, its properties are well known for most people.

However, few people know the benefits of papaya leaves.

Did you know that its leaves have benefits for your health?

Learn now the benefits that papaya leaves can bring to your health:

Fights indigestion
Aids in gluten intolerance
Fights cancer
Helps with acne
Improves your hair health
Alleviate period cramps
Anti-aging properties

To get all these benefits, make a papaya leaf tea:

Write down the ingredients!

5 tablespoons dry papaya leaves;
33 oz. water;
1 tablespoon honey;


Boil the water with the leaves for 10 minutes.
Turn off the heat and put a lid on.
Strain, sweeten with honey and drink throughout the day.

So, tell us, did you like learning about the benefits of papaya leaves?

Do this infusion and then share your opinions with us.



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