Honey, Onion and Vinegar: This Powerful Combination Can Treat Many Diseases

5 years ago

If you followed our channel for some time, you must have already learned about the benefits of onions and honey, right?

These ingredients are largely used in natural medicine, thanks to their therapeutic properties.

But, the combination of these two ingredients with white vinegar can result in a powerful tonic for our bodies.

This recipe we will share in today's video was published in a Japanese magazine by a doctor that has use it for more than a decade.

Besides recommending this recipe to his patients, Dr. Hiroshi Shuto also says that this homemade medicine not only improved his digestive system but also has eliminated the ringing in his ears, caused by stress.

One of the main ingredients of this medicine, as we have said, is the onion.

This vegetable has been widely studied and has known antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-asthmatic properties, being considered a powerful antimicrobial.

Vinegar, on the other hand, has antibacterial, antioxidant, and anticancer properties. It also controls cholesterol and blood sugar levels and is linked to weight loss.

Honey is also a great antibacterial agent, it is antioxidant, fights hypertension, cholesterol, triglycerides, diabetes, and offers many benefits to the heart.

Besides that, this combination has anti-inflammatory properties and functions to help fight cancer.

Another interesting fact is that the magazine also shows testimonials of people who claim to have lost even 75 lbs. thanks to consuming vinegar onions.

Are you curious to try this recipe?

See how to make it:


1 onion;
1 pinch of salt (opt for high-quality salts);
Vinegar (any kind);
2 tablespoons honey;
1 glass container with lid;


Peel the onion, cut in half and thinly slice it. Let it rest for 20 minutes to 2 hours;
In a glass container, put the onion slices, a pinch of salt and add 1 or 2 level tablespoons of pure honey;
Cover the onion with vinegar, mix well and close the container.
Keep the container in your fridge for around 5 days, and it will be ready to eat.
This mixture lasts around 7 to 10 days in the fridge.


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