This Yoga Posture Regulates Blood Sugar and is Good for Diabetics

4 years ago

Do you have diabetes or know someone who has it?

Did you know that diabetic people, or those under risk of developing it, have to make healthier changes to their lifestyle and diet, but also need to incorporate exercises in their routines to see better results in their treatment?

Yoga is one of the suggested exercises for diabetic people. Have you heard about it before?

It not only offers physical benefits but also helps in the mental health of diabetic patients.

The vajrasana, also known as the diamond pose, helps a lot with digestive disorders and is recommended to be done after meals.

This pose also strengthens nerves and muscles around the pelvic area and can prevent many diseases, strengthen the digestive organs, and regulate insulin production, stimulating the correct functioning of the pancreas.

This is one of the easiest meditative poses to do and any person can do it.

It is very simple! Watch the video to learn how!

Some of the benefits of this pose are:

More flexibility in your thighs, knees, and heels;
Strengthens the feet arches;
Improves digestion and alleviates gas;
Helps alleviate symptoms of menopause;
Reduces swelling in legs during the second trimester of pregnancy, and has a therapeutic power for hypertension and asthma.

If you feel any discomfort or pain in your knees, heels, or hips, do not try this pose, or use accessories for the necessary modifications.

If the symptoms persist, stop.



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