The Best Herb To Get Rid of Joint Pain and Fight Inflammation

4 years ago

We have talked many times on the channel about a natural anti-inflammatory to alleviate pains, and you must certainly remember that turmeric has many other benefits besides this one.

But, in today's video, we will talk about a lesser-known plant in alternative and integrative medicine: devil's claw.

According to studies, it has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antirheumatic, sedative, and antispasmodic powers and also stimulates digestion.

Devil's claw is used as an aid to treat rheumatoid arthritis (joint inflammation) and degenerative disorders of the locomotor system, such as arthrosis, bursitis, fibromyalgia, spondylitis, and tendinitis.

Devil's claw can be used as capsules or tea.

To make a devil's claw tea, watch the video and learn the recipe!

Both the tea and capsules of devil's claw are recommended to alleviate the pains caused by the diseases mentioned before, and also to balance uric acid, strengthen the immune system, favor good cholesterol (HDL), and control bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.

Besides, devil's claw has detox properties that act in the liver, and also stimulating properties that contribute to the digestive system. And, if all of that wasn't enough, the plant can also be used to lower fever.

But patients that suffer from stomach or duodenal ulcers, due to the stimulation of gastric juice, biliary obstruction or gallstones, gastritis, and irritable colon must avoid consuming devil's claw.

In cases of hypersensitivity to the plant, suspend its use and talk to a doctor.

Tell us, did you already know the benefits of devil's claw?



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