Every Black Life Matters | 🎙 Podcast

4 years ago

What is critical race theory? What does BLM stand for as an organization? Can Christians support it? Frank interviews Neil Mammen and Kevin McGary, co-founders of EveryBLM.com.

Here are some of the questions they discuss:

What is critical race theory?
What is intersectionality?
How many races are they?
Are there still systematic injustices in American Law? If so, where are they?
Should reparations be paid for past injustices?
What is the BLM organization for and against politically?
Is There a Non-Marxist Biblical Alternative to ‘Black Lives Matter?’
Does EVERY Black Life matter?
How can you fruitfully interact with BLM protestors?
What can you do to help minorities in America?

Mr. McGary makes a startling proposal regarding reparations that will certainly generate some email! This is a fascinating conversation.

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#Podcast #FrankTurek #EveryBlackLifeMatters

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