Press This Point To Increase Your Focus, Memory and Concentration

4 years ago

Did you know that poor memory doesn't have anything to do with age? Being older doesn't mean you have a poor memory.

In today's video, we will learn an exercise to keep your memory young!

Poor memory is part of the list of issues considered common for elders. Although forgetting things doesn't always mean something serious, we should never ignore memory loss.

See some easy and fun ways of restoring your focus and memory using Chinese medicine and acupuncture points.

1. GV20 point exercise

Found on the top of the head, this is the highest point of the body. Do you know how to find it?

From a spiritual point of view, the GV20 is the closest point to the sky, which means it is the closest point to our spirits.

Stimulating it can cleanse negative thoughts and give way to hope and a good mood. This point can be used to lessen depression and anxiety.

2. Yintang exercise

YinTang is one of the most important energy meridians of our body. Its exact location is in the middle of the line that connects our brows. If you suffer from pain, stimulating the YinTang may help.

Our daily lives can take our mental capacity to the extreme, be it to remember an old password or where you put your keys.

These exercises for memory help us take on these challenges without fear.

Add them to your routine and share your experience with us.

0:00 Exercises to Improve Memory
0:33 Acupressure Point to Improve Memory and Brain Health
1:20 Yintang Exercise to Improve Memory
2:13 Tips To Keep Your Brain Young



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